Yesterday and today, I did a little coupon shopping. =) Picked up 29 cans of soup and veggies for $25.
And saved $26.95
Grabbed a couple of hams for .89 cents a pound. Spent $25.11 and saved $22.58 on them. I'm going to cut those suckers up into smaller portions, and freeze them for future dinners. (And breakfasts too!)
Look at the size of that one!
Yesterday, while ham shopping, I picked up a few toothpastes. The small ones were too small for my coupon, (less than 4oz) so I went with the larger ones. On sale for $1.99 and eight $1.00 off coupons. Eight tubes for $8.00. Not bad. But *today* they had restocked, and the new smaller tubes were "42% more" making them big enough for my coupons! On sale for 99 cents, with my $1.00 off coupons, these 14 were free!
Well, if I'm honest, and I usually am, I did buy the coupons on eBay for $2.00 so really I paid $2.00 for 14 tubes. Still pretty darn good. =) Well, wait... I bought 20 coupons, but she sent me 22. Does that count as getting my $2.00 back?
And last, but not least, a local store had Birdseye frozen veggies on sale for .88 cents. Again, I bought 20 coupons on eBay for .50 cents off. My store doubles coupons under a dollar, up to a dollar. (Or up to the price of the item.) So these 20 bags were FREE! (Or $2.00)
The shredded cheese was buy 1 get 1 free, and with the broccoli heads, I spent $5.08 on everything in the above picture.
I'm not quite an "extreme shopper" but I do OK. I do have a rule of only buying stuff that I actually use, and not getting stuff just because I can get it for free.
My sale and coupon savings was $92.22
How was your day?