Friday, March 28, 2014

Chick Days!

They're here!

I still have bees:

 At last look, 4 out of 6 survived. But it's been cold since then, and I believe I've lost at least one more.. =(
 I'll check again, and let you know.

 I still have figs, too:

 Just starting to come back. =) I may have lost my Italian Purple and the Peters' Honey, again, wait and see. (The Peters' Honey has one little branch, from the bottom, that looks like it's still good.)

 Other plants. Pruned the plums:

 I saw a guy on YouTube, who said you could propagate plums by sticking cuttings in dirt. So, I'm trying that.

 Back to the chicks!

 Lookit! They're sleepy.

 Too tired to hold up her tiny little face:

 Here are some awake chicks:

 We got one each of Golden Laced Wyandote, Silver Laced Wyandote, Speckled Sussex, Amerucana, and Buff Orpington.

 The only one that I know for sure, is the Buff Orpington. She's the yellow baby.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Yes, I've been away

 So, I took a new class... It was only three weeks long, but when I finished, I had a new job! I'm working as a CNA now, and I'm working evenings and sleeping days. That's why I haven't been playing on the interwebs lately. Sorry for that.

 But, there is new news, the fun kind. We're planning on getting chickens this year! Erin and I took a chicken class yesterday,

and Agway is having it's "Chick Days" next Saturday. That's where we intend on getting our babies.

 Today, I took a soapmaking class at Red Bee Apiary.

She gave us a recipe, and showed us how to weigh it and mix it.

The mixing took about half an hour...

So, we went out and looked at her chickens,

And bee hives.

When it finally hit trace, it was measured out, and we took it home.

The whole process took about two hours. In a day or two, I can take it out of it's Dixie cup, and after three weeks, it will be ready to use. I think I'm ready to make my own at home.

Here is her front gate. So cool, I had to take a picture. =D