Sunday, August 18, 2013

All the figs

I promised an update on the figs, so here ya' go, *all* the figs.

The Genoa. Two out of three.

Giant Amber, it looks like another cutting *might* pop open before fall, I'll let ya' know if it does.

Violette de Bordeaux, the neat-leafed one.

Early Violet, looking good.

And the baby, Black Madeira! =) Just adorable. *sigh*

Quite a difference in less than a week. But wait, there's more! I've only been showing you the cuttings that I got back in February. But I have a few more to brag about. =)

This is "Peter's Honey". Bought because of the name alone, not that I needed any more fig trees!

Chicago Hardy, bought to replace a little one I had that didn't make the winter.

Last, my two original figs bought spur of the moment from a guy on Craigslist. =)

I don't have variety names for these, but the top one is a white fig, and the bottom one is a purple fig. I've had them for three years now. The purple one has figs on it!

His story is that his grandfather had brought cuttings with him from Italy, and grew his own trees. Eventually he taught the grandson how to grow trees from cuttings. So now he's selling his extras.

There you go, tell me what you think!

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